How To Optimize Blogger Post Title For SEO

Hello! Welcome to InfoLeading Blog. Am going to show you how to optimize blogger post title for SEO and get higher search results. Make sure you read this post to the end to fully understand how to do this.

How to optimize blogger post title for seo

This SEO trick is called “Blogger or blogspot Title Swapping”. If you want to boost your search engine position and increase Click Through rate as well, then swapping blog’s title will do that.

Do you know that page title is the most important element for your blog to rank well in search engines. This is credible from an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) perspective.

If you check your browser’s title bar, you will find out that your Blogger’s default templates or theme is displaying your blog title (blog name) in before each page or post title.

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So, normally your page title would be displayed as:Post title swap


Then after swapping the blog title, it will be displayed like this:

Swapping blog post title

This type of placement will also appear in google search results. So the reason why you should put post titles at the beginning or in front of your blog title is because users are mostly searching for specific post content rather than the name of your blog.

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So making your post titles appear at the beginning of your blog post will increase your chances of being found.

Steps To Optimize Blogger Post Title For SEO

Step 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard, tap on “Template” > “Edit HTML”.

How to seo optimize blogger blog post title

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the coding box, then press the CTRL + F keys to open template search box

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Step 3. Copy and paste the code below inside the search box and find it:

Blogger template edit html


Step 4. Then just replace the above code with this code below:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>

Step 5. Finally click the “Save Template” button and that’s it, done.


So this is one of the easiest ways to optimize Blogger post titles for SEO and get higher search results. However, this is not enough for search engine optimization. If you know how to choose the right SEO keyword, then you’ll increase chances of ranking well.

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